Friday, February 15, 2008

Mid Term Essay: Writing Process

Sheri Munson-Castro

Writ 101-Winter 2008

Craig McKenny-Instructor

February 15, 2008

Mid-Term Essay/Frame 2: Writing Process

Writing an essay is like building a house. There are many steps in the building of your essay and will involved many different parts to it. There are different types and styles of building a house and as such are in the writing process. Example of it will be the first stage will be setting the foundation down. This is the beginning to a five-step process. In the first step of the writing process where you do your pre-writing, thinking or better known as brainstorming your thoughts out and jotting them down in quick sentences, or paragraphs. The second step to the building process will be like putting the frame of your house up which will hold the walls that you will be putting up next. That step will involve you figuring out what or whom you want as a topic or subject idea to write about. The third step is going to involve you figuring out next on what plot or location setting you want as well and also who will be in it. Then the fourth and most important step of the process will involve writing it all down and taking all your sentences, ideas and such and putting them into paragraph form and making what is better known as your first of many rough drafts. Which is the last step in the building process and that is putting on the roof of your house. You have now completed your essay as well as your house.

Then will come another part. Just when you thought you were down. And course this will then be like building that additional bedroom or bathroom on to your house. Better known as where you go in and editing or revising. You will once again start to set down your foundation down on your process. The here comes do the first editing on it for spelling and grammar errors. Where you also can have someone take a look at it as well, using a fresh pair of eyes to check it over also for any error or such that you might have missed. Then you yourself do another edit called proof reading it, where you are again review it one last time for any additional errors/surface errors. Then the most important and final step in the process is where you publish it, taking your final draft and copy it to either paper or the computer depending on how you are posting it and your are done. Once you have start and completed the four or five steps in building your essay and writing it down on that final draft. You will feel just built yourself a house. Because as I mention in the beginning and though out this essay. Building a house and building an essay are pretty much one and the same. You lay down the foundation, set up the wall frames, put up the walls and top it with a roof, thus when completed this process you will have built yourself a house. This is one the different styles of building an essay and a house. They both have a similiar step process to completing your task at hand.

There are different styles of writing process steps one of which is called Staging steps: Which is the style that I use on my first and second essays that I done in writing class. The examples of the five stages that are involved in that process is as follows:

1.) Brainstorming (as mention above)

2.) Introduction: Thesis development: How you are starting it.

3.) Body paragraphs: Topic, Sentences and forms/format you will put them into

.4.) Conclusion: Bringing it all together into a complete package.

5.) Editing/Revising: Checking it many times, for any and all mistakes/spelling, grammar etc.

Once you have used these steps or stages depending on which way you want to go. And as you can see have many similarities with each other. They still both accomplish the same thing; they help me with the building of my essay so, that reader fully understands all if not most of what I am writing about. It helps to the flow to go together more smooth like and to transition from one paragraph to the next with out losing my reader.

In summary, I feel that I have learned a lot from my writing class that I am taking as well as from my teacher. He is helping me to building that foundation and making sure I build a strong one. It is the first step in building my way towards that future career that I want. And in building a super foundation to a stronger me and helping me to get that better place in the work field.

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