Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Sheri Munson-Castro
Writing 101-Winter 2008
March 14th, 2008
Writing 101 Portfolio Letter

My Reflective (Self-Assessment) Letter:

This portfolio is a reflection on me as well as my essay work that I have done this quarter in Writing 101. During this time in this class that I have taken with Craig McKenney as my instructor has been an interesting time. When I started this class back in December 2007, I thought that this would be an easy class for me to take. I enjoy writing as well as learning. I thought I had known all that was needed in the area of writing and since I knew all that there was to know in writing then this was just going to be a simple step to take for my degree.

I soon learned that was not to be so; that while I had strengths in some of the areas, there was a lot that I had weakness in which I would need to know in order to pass this class. It’s a good thing I like to write as well as learn new things; because I found out I would be doing a lot of both. In the beginning I had to turn myself around from what I would normally have use as a writing format to do an essay.

I have learned that it was so much more then just sitting and writing down words on a sheet of paper. I have also learned what writing philosophy is all about. That it is communicating information and ideas to one another, which involves three main parts: Thinking, Writing, and Speaking.

It is a basic fact that there are many different forms of content that will require different types of writing. I had learned that if you’re trying to convey straight forward information, its best to keep it short and simple coming straight to the point. While if your trying to communicating complex ideas, you will need to take more of your time and space and present fuller detail information.

Everything that I have learned in this class has help me build up my weakness's that I had. In my class for my three essays, I took one topic and broke it down to three separate sections. Which was consited of "They say, I say, and then a combination of the two first essays. I learned how to write what the experts said on my topic, as well as cite sources in the correct format. Then proceed to express my opinions in own voice, then to be learn to be able to combine both of them together using some of the information from them while in same process actually end up actually write a whole essay on the topic. There is only so much I could say on one topic, before running out of words. This particular essay took me about four revisions before it was completed.

One of the strength that I found that I had learned was how to have more critical thinking, thoughtful analysis of things. I feel that I have learned to stay more focused during any of my revisions on staying with the point, but considering the counterarguments as well with tstraying from my opinion. While the conclusion was not what I had hoped it would have been it this class helped to get at least closer to where I would have been before.

One of my goals that I had when I first began Writing 101 was to learn how to write better introductions and conclusions. I’ve definitely feel that I have improved on my introductions, but I am still very much a work in process in this part so that my conclusions that don’t end up “just rehashing the thesis.” In relation to organization, although I feel that I organize points well in paragraphs, at times, I don’t feel like I’ve established a strong transition between my points. On these type of essays it was hard for me to do this.
My 4th essay was a persuasive one about Banning Junk from the Schools, and why this would be something that is of beneficial value to everyone involved. I believe that it helps to fully demonstrate my growth of my strengths in the area of focus and argumentation. Which I had learned to use with my 1-3 essays’s showing that I am able to use vivid supporting descriptions as well as examples. So, that you are able to picture your self there with me.

I think that this one was my best essay for this quarter, as I feel more comfortable in this style of writing. I was able to take a bit more of creative risks with this essay because it seem like more creative writing to me, which I feel is one of my best areas of strength. It was interesting to really be able to experiences meant to me and to be able to make an audience see it. We were able to change to a new topic, which was great for me as I was running out of words to use on the other topic.
At the end of this quarter I think that my main strength is that I am able to take in new knowledge and growing with it, which has helped to improve my grammar as well that I have increased my ability to be able to vividly describe what I observed as well as experienced. I do feel through that I have come along ways from where I was at in the beginning of this class, which I will do my best to bring this knowledge that I learned into my next writing class.
I feel that this class has helped me beyond what I had thought to learn out it, with thinking I knew all there was to know about writing and finding out that it was not so. Thus by being able to recognize this and to allow myself to open up and take in that knowledge, it allowed me to grow and keep on growing. Which I feel has made me a better student because of it.

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